Current and Upcoming News

For all the latest club schedules, meetings, info, please go to our Club Facebook Page. It is more up to date and the information gets out faster

Our Officers

2019 OFFICERS: President: Jonathan Dorris, President-elect: Wesley Nesbitt, Secretary: Lake Townsley, and Treasurer: David Townsley

Past Presidents
2020: 2019: 2018: Jonathan Dorris 2017: Gennefer Foree
2016: Rebecca Patterson 2015: Suzy Oakley 2014: Bruce Oakley 2013: Dwayne Dickey
2012: Davy Insell 2011: Jennifer Liles-Dorris 2010: Andy Buschmann 2009: Robert Barber
2008: Joe Pool 2007: Sandy Pool 2006: Ken McSpadden 2005: Rita Cooke
2004: Kay Hermansen-Pool 2003: Ken McSpadden 2002: Sam Cooke 2001: Joe Pool

Next Meeting Information

Next meeting will be see Club Facebook Page